Background to Current EI FIV Screening Guidelines

Background to Current EI FIV Screening Guidelines

Background to Current EI FIV Screening Guidelines Rob Swindell This presentation gave an overview of how the LOF scoring method was developed for flow-induced turbulence and multi-phase excitation. Examples were provided of its use and comparisons to measurement data...
Background to Current EI FIV Screening Guidelines

Waterhammer Incidents and Accidents

Waterhammer Incidents and Accidents Arris Tijsseling Waterhammer is a well known phenomenon , the basic mechanisms of which are well understood. The phenomenon consists of pressure waves travelling through pipes at the speed of sound, which travel long distances and...

Agenda Meeting November 30th 2017

Xodus Group Cheapside House 138 Cheapside London EC2V 6BJ Sensitivity Study of Slug-Induced Fatigue in Flow Line Spools Loic Ancian, Vibratec Waterhammer Incidents and Accidents Arris Tijsseling, Technical University Eindhoven Discussion: Collaborative Work and...